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log Bayes Factor = <0.0001
Chromosome 7   position 26,891,665  (GRCh37) Explore rs7804356 on Ensembl!
Variant rs7804356 is listed in the   GWAS Catalog  

Hospitalization Episode Statistics (HES)

Self-Reported Statistics (SRS)

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Results table
Term Risk
posterior probability
No effect
posterior probability
posterior probability
R02 Gangrene, not elsewhere classified
0.020 0.980 0.000
S02.50 Fracture of tooth (closed)
0.013 0.987 0.000
S02.5 Fracture of tooth
0.011 0.989 0.000
R80 Isolated proteinuria
0.010 0.990 0.000
S02 Fracture of skull and facial bones
0.009 0.991 0.000
M19.01 Primary arthrosis of other joints (Shoulder region)
0.000 0.991 0.009
S02.4 Fracture of malar and maxillary bones
0.008 0.992 0.000
S02.51 Fracture of tooth (open)
0.008 0.992 0.000
S02.3 Fracture of orbital floor
0.008 0.992 0.000
S02.40 Fracture of malar and maxillary bones (closed)
0.008 0.992 0.000
S02.9 Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified
0.007 0.992 0.000
M19.94 Arthrosis, unspecified (Hand)
0.000 0.993 0.007
S02.30 Fracture of orbital floor (closed)
0.007 0.993 0.000
S02.0 Fracture of vault of skull
0.007 0.993 0.000
I50.1 Left ventricular failure
0.000 0.993 0.007
S02.2 Fracture of nasal bones
0.007 0.993 0.000
S02.7 Multiple fractures involving skull and facial bones
0.007 0.993 0.000
S02.90 Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified (closed)
0.007 0.993 0.000
S02.8 Fractures of other skull and facial bones
0.006 0.994 0.000
R22.4 Localised swelling, mass and lump, lower limb
0.006 0.994 0.000
S02.41 Fracture of malar and maxillary bones (open)
0.006 0.994 0.000
T83.8 Other complications of genito-urinary prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
0.006 0.994 0.000
S02.6 Fracture of mandible
0.006 0.994 0.000
S02.31 Fracture of orbital floor (open)
0.006 0.994 0.000
S02.00 Fracture of vault of skull (closed)
0.006 0.994 0.000
S02.91 Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified (open)
0.005 0.994 0.000
S02.1 Fracture of base of skull
0.005 0.995 0.000
S02.01 Fracture of vault of skull (open)
0.005 0.995 0.000
S02.70 Multiple fractures involving skull and facial bones (closed)
0.005 0.995 0.000
S02.21 Fracture of nasal bones (open)
0.005 0.995 0.000
S02.20 Fracture of nasal bones (closed)
0.005 0.995 0.000
S02.71 Multiple fractures involving skull and facial bones (open)
0.005 0.995 0.000
S02.81 Fractures of other skull and facial bones (open)
0.005 0.995 0.000
S02.80 Fractures of other skull and facial bones (closed)
0.005 0.995 0.000
S02.61 Fracture of mandible (open)
0.004 0.995 0.000
M13.94 Arthritis, unspecified (Hand)
0.005 0.995 0.000
D36.1 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system
0.004 0.996 0.000
N60.1 Diffuse cystic mastopathy
0.000 0.996 0.004
T83.9 Unspecified complication of genito-urinary prosthetic device, implant and graft
0.004 0.996 0.000
C16.9 Stomach, unspecified
0.000 0.996 0.004
S02.11 Fracture of base of skull (open)
0.004 0.996 0.000
S02.60 Fracture of mandible (closed)
0.004 0.996 0.000
S32.70 Multiple fractures of lumbar spine and pelvis (closed)
0.004 0.996 0.000
Y83.4 Other reconstructive surgery
0.004 0.996 0.000
I45.1 Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block
0.000 0.996 0.004
M50.1 Cervical disk disorder with radiculopathy
0.000 0.997 0.003
R80-R82 Abnormal findings on examination of urine, without diagnosis
0.003 0.997 0.000
D63.0 Anaemia in neoplastic disease
0.000 0.997 0.003
L57.8 Other skin changes due to chronic exposure to nonionising radiation
0.003 0.997 0.000
L73.2 Hidradenitis suppurativa
0.000 0.997 0.003
Z30.1 Insertion of (intra-uterine) contraceptive device
0.000 0.997 0.003
T83 Complications of genito-urinary prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
0.003 0.997 0.000
Q21.1 Atrial septal defect
0.000 0.997 0.003
O34.2 Maternal care due to uterine scar from previous surgery
0.003 0.997 0.000
R81 Glycosuria
0.003 0.997 0.000
T83.2 Mechanical complication of graft of urinary organ
0.003 0.997 0.000
C16 Malignant neoplasm of stomach
0.000 0.997 0.003
C16.0 Cardia
0.000 0.997 0.003
Y40.8 Other systemic antibiotics
0.003 0.997 0.000
S02.10 Fracture of base of skull (closed)
0.003 0.997 0.000
C16.2 Body of stomach
0.000 0.997 0.003
D86.9 Sarcoidosis, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
M23.81 Other internal derangements of knee (Anterior cruciate ligament or Anterior horn of medial meniscus)
0.003 0.997 0.000
D86.1 Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
0.000 0.997 0.003
K05.3 Chronic periodontitis
0.000 0.997 0.003
T83.4 Mechanical complication of other prosthetic devices, implants and grafts in genital tract
0.003 0.997 0.000
G44.2 Tension-type headache
0.000 0.997 0.003
C16.5 Lesser curvature of stomach, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
K56.6 Other and unspecified intestinal obstruction
0.003 0.997 0.000
S22.30 Fracture of rib (closed)
0.003 0.997 0.000
D39.1 Ovary
0.003 0.997 0.000
M50.3 Other cervical disk degeneration
0.000 0.997 0.003
Y40.0 Penicillins
0.003 0.997 0.000
M19.97 Arthrosis, unspecified (Ankle and foot)
0.000 0.997 0.003
S06.40 Epidural haemorrhage (without open intracranial wound)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M21.16 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Lower leg)
0.000 0.998 0.002
D07.1 Vulva
0.000 0.998 0.002
S06.60 Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage (without open intracranial wound)
0.002 0.998 0.000
T83.6 Infection and inflammatory reaction due to prosthetic device, implant and graft in genital tract
0.002 0.998 0.000
T83.3 Mechanical complication of intra-uterine contraceptive device
0.002 0.998 0.000
M21.37 Wrist or foot drop (acquired) (Ankle and foot)
0.000 0.998 0.002
S06.00 Concussion (without open intracranial wound)
0.002 0.998 0.000
K58.9 Irritable bowel syndrome without diarrhoea
0.000 0.998 0.002
C16.8 Overlapping lesion of stomach
0.000 0.998 0.002
Y40 Systemic antibiotics
0.002 0.998 0.000
C16.1 Fundus of stomach
0.000 0.998 0.002
D86 Sarcoidosis
0.000 0.998 0.002
Y41.8 Other specified systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics
0.002 0.998 0.000
C16.4 Pylorus
0.000 0.998 0.002
G93.3 Postviral fatigue syndrome
0.000 0.998 0.002
N13.2 Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06.4 Epidural haemorrhage
0.002 0.998 0.000
W21.9 Unspecified place
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y40.9 Systemic antibiotic, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06.6 Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage
0.002 0.998 0.000
M19.98 Arthrosis, unspecified (Other)
0.000 0.998 0.002
C90.2 Plasmacytoma, extramedullary
0.002 0.998 0.000
G62.8 Other specified polyneuropathies
0.000 0.998 0.002
S06.0 Concussion
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y41.0 Sulphonamides
0.002 0.998 0.000
C16.6 Greater curvature of stomach, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
O34.0 Maternal care for congenital malformation of uterus
0.002 0.998 0.000
R60.1 Generalised oedema
0.002 0.998 0.000
T83.1 Mechanical complication of other urinary devices and implants
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y41 Other systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics
0.002 0.998 0.000
C18.0 Caecum
0.002 0.998 0.000
D86.3 Sarcoidosis of skin
0.000 0.998 0.002
N13.3 Other and unspecified hydronephrosis
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06 Intracranial injury
0.002 0.998 0.000
K83.8 Other specified diseases of biliary tract
0.000 0.998 0.002
O34.1 Maternal care for tumour of corpus uteri
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y40.6 Rifamycins
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y40.4 Tetracyclines
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y41.5 Antiviral drugs
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z94.8 Other transplanted organ and tissue status
0.002 0.998 0.000
O34 Maternal care for known or suspected abnormality of pelvic organs
0.002 0.998 0.000
D86.8 Sarcoidosis of other and combined sites
0.000 0.998 0.002
H35.8 Other specified retinal disorders
0.000 0.998 0.002
W44.0 Home
0.002 0.998 0.000
G97.8 Other postprocedural disorders of nervous system
0.000 0.998 0.002
T39.3 Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAID]
0.000 0.998 0.002
Z01.5 Diagnostic skin and sensitisation tests
0.002 0.998 0.000
D86.2 Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
0.000 0.998 0.002
Y40.2 Chloramphenicol group
0.002 0.998 0.000
M19.0 Primary arthrosis of other joints
0.000 0.998 0.002
Y40.5 Aminoglycosides
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y40.7 Antifungal antibiotics, systemically used
0.002 0.998 0.000
C16.3 Pyloric antrum
0.000 0.998 0.002
E27.4 Other and unspecified adrenocortical insufficiency
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06.41 Epidural haemorrhage (with open intracranial wound)
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q85.0 Neurofibromatosis (nonmalignant)
0.002 0.998 0.000
X10.0 Home
0.002 0.998 0.000
I72.4 Aneurysm of artery of lower extremity
0.000 0.998 0.002
M19.9 Arthrosis, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
S06.61 Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage (with open intracranial wound)
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06.3 Focal brain injury
0.002 0.998 0.000
D63 Anaemia in chronic diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.998 0.002
S06.01 Concussion (with open intracranial wound)
0.002 0.998 0.000
T43.3 Phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics
0.000 0.998 0.002
G40.6 Grand mal seizures, unspecified (with or without petit mal)
0.002 0.998 0.000
O34.8 Maternal care for other abnormalities of pelvic organs
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y41.9 Systemic anti-infective and antiparasitic, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y41.4 Anthelminthics
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y41.3 Other antiprotozoal drugs
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y41.2 Antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y41.1 Antimycobacterial drugs
0.002 0.998 0.000
K58.0 Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea
0.000 0.998 0.002
K80.4 Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
O23.5 Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
K59.3 Megacolon, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.998 0.002
S32.7 Multiple fractures of lumbar spine and pelvis
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06.7 Intracranial injury with prolonged coma
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06.1 Traumatic cerebral oedema
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z94.7 Corneal transplant status
0.002 0.998 0.000
W21 Striking against or struck by sports equipment
0.002 0.998 0.000
O34.9 Maternal care for abnormality of pelvic organ, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O34.6 Maternal care for abnormality of vagina
0.002 0.998 0.000
O34.5 Maternal care for other abnormalities of gravid uterus
0.002 0.998 0.000
S22.3 Fracture of rib
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q85.9 Phakomatosis, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M79.28 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Other)
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06.30 Focal brain injury (without open intracranial wound)
0.002 0.998 0.000
N13.9 Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O34.3 Maternal care for cervical incompetence
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06.2 Diffuse brain injury
0.002 0.998 0.000
W44 Foreign body entering into or through eye or natural orifice
0.002 0.998 0.000
M19.06 Primary arthrosis of other joints-Lower leg
0.000 0.998 0.001
M19.05 Primary arthrosis of other joints (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.000 0.998 0.001
S22.20 Fracture of sternum (closed)
0.002 0.998 0.000
I50 Heart failure
0.000 0.998 0.002
D63.8 Anaemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.998 0.002
M19.09 Primary arthrosis of other joints (Site unspecified)
0.000 0.998 0.002
M19.03 Primary arthrosis of other joints (Forearm)
0.000 0.998 0.002
I77.9 Disorder of arteries and arterioles, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M21.3 Wrist or foot drop (acquired)
0.000 0.998 0.002
Y53.8 Other agents primarily affecting the gastro-intestinal system
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y53.4 Other laxatives
0.002 0.998 0.000
M21.1 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.998 0.002
S06.9 Intracranial injury, unspecified
0.001 0.998 0.000
M50 Cervical disk disorders
0.000 0.998 0.002
S06.31 Focal brain injury (with open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.998 0.000
B37.8 Candidiasis of other sites
0.000 0.998 0.002
D63.1 Anaemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.998 0.001
N13.4 Hydroureter
0.002 0.998 0.000
T51.0 Ethanol
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y40.1 Cefalosporins and other -lactam antibiotics
0.001 0.998 0.000
M19.02 Primary arthrosis of other joints (Upper arm)
0.000 0.998 0.001
Y46.4 Iminostilbenes
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y53 Agents primarily affecting the gastro-intestinal system
0.002 0.998 0.000
M19.92 Arthrosis, unspecified (Upper arm)
0.000 0.998 0.002
W17.4 Street and highway
0.002 0.998 0.000
W22.9 Unspecified place
0.002 0.998 0.000
K58 Irritable bowel syndrome
0.000 0.998 0.002
E24.9 Cushing's syndrome, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
N13.8 Other obstructive and reflux uropathy
0.002 0.998 0.000
S83.6 Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of knee
0.000 0.998 0.002
M19.00 Primary arthrosis of other joints (Multiple sites)
0.000 0.998 0.001
S32.71 Multiple fractures of lumbar spine and pelvis (open)
0.001 0.998 0.000
S06.11 Traumatic cerebral oedema (with open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.998 0.000
S06.10 Traumatic cerebral oedema (without open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.998 0.000
S06.71 Intracranial injury with prolonged coma (with open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.998 0.000
S06.70 Intracranial injury with prolonged coma (without open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.998 0.000
S22.31 Fracture of rib (open)
0.001 0.998 0.000
V43.9 Unspecified car occupant injured in traffic accident
0.001 0.998 0.000
W21.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.998 0.000
W21.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
W21.7 Farm
0.001 0.998 0.000
W21.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.998 0.000
W21.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.998 0.000
W21.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.998 0.000
W21.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.998 0.000
W21.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.998 0.000
W21.0 Home
0.001 0.998 0.000
W44.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
N13 Obstructive and reflux uropathy
0.002 0.998 0.000
X10 Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils
0.001 0.998 0.000
M80.98 Unspecified osteoporosis with pathological fracture (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
J18.0 Bronchopneumonia, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
M50.9 Cervical disk disorder, unspecified
0.000 0.999 0.001
W78.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.999 0.000
S06.21 Diffuse brain injury (with open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.7 Farm
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y40.3 Macrolides
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q85 Phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.999 0.000
I05.9 Mitral valve disease, unspecified
0.000 0.999 0.001
M50.8 Other cervical disk disorders
0.000 0.999 0.001
O34.7 Maternal care for abnormality of vulva and perineum
0.001 0.999 0.000
S06.8 Other intracranial injuries
0.001 0.999 0.000
S81.9 Open wound of lower leg, part unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y79.2 Prosthetic and other implants, materials and accessory devices
0.001 0.999 0.000
L73 Other follicular disorders
0.000 0.999 0.001
Y46 Antiepileptics and anti-Parkinsonism drugs
0.001 0.999 0.000
M21.19 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Site unspecified)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.18 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Other)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.15 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.14 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Hand)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.13 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Forearm)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.12 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Upper arm)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.11 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Shoulder region)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.10 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Multiple sites)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.39 Wrist or foot drop (acquired)-Site unspec
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.38 Wrist or foot drop (acquired)-Other
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.36 Wrist or foot drop (acquired)-Lower leg
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.35 Wrist or foot drop (acquired)-Pelvic/thigh
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.34 Wrist or foot drop (acquired) (Hand)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.33 Wrist or foot drop (acquired) (Forearm)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.32 Wrist or foot drop (acquired)-Upper arm
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.31 Wrist or foot drop (acquired)-Shldr region
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.30 Wrist or foot drop (acquired) (Multiple sites)
0.000 0.999 0.001
S06.91 Intracranial injury, unspecified (with open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S06.5 Traumatic subdural haemorrhage
0.001 0.999 0.000
T83.5 Infection and inflammatory reaction due to prosthetic device, implant and graft in urinary system
0.001 0.999 0.001
Z89.0 Acquired absence of finger(s) [including thumb], unilateral
0.001 0.999 0.000
O34.4 Maternal care for other abnormalities of cervix
0.001 0.999 0.000
T18.2 Foreign body in stomach
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y46.2 Hydantoin derivatives
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y53.1 Other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs
0.001 0.999 0.000
M19 Other arthrosis
0.000 0.999 0.001
R82 Other abnormal findings in urine
0.001 0.999 0.000
M19.08 Primary arthrosis of other joints (Other)
0.000 0.999 0.001
D86.0 Sarcoidosis of lung
0.000 0.999 0.001
I77.8 Other specified disorders of arteries and arterioles
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y53.9 Agent primarily affecting the gastro-intestinal system, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y53.7 Emetics
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y53.6 Antidiarrhoeal drugs
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y53.5 Digestants
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y53.3 Saline and osmotic laxatives
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y53.2 Stimulant laxatives
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y53.0 Histamine H2-receptor antagonists
0.001 0.999 0.000
R22.2 Localised swelling, mass and lump, trunk
0.001 0.999 0.000
T63.4 Venom of other arthropods
0.000 0.999 0.001
W45.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y54.0 Mineralocorticoids
0.001 0.999 0.000
S06.20 Diffuse brain injury (without open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q85.8 Other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.999 0.000
T18.0 Foreign body in mouth
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84 Unspecified threat to breathing
0.001 0.999 0.000
W21.30 Striking against or struck by sports equipment; Sports and athletics area;While engaged in sports activity
0.001 0.999 0.000
K26.4 Chronic or unspecified with haemorrhage
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10.7 Farm
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.999 0.000
I45 Other conduction disorders
0.000 0.999 0.001
W27 Contact with nonpowered hand tool
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78 Inhalation of gastric contents
0.001 0.999 0.000
F31.4 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression without psychotic symptoms
0.001 0.999 0.000
I45.3 Trifascicular block
0.000 0.999 0.001
W45.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y88.3 Sequelae of surgical and medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z94.2 Lung transplant status
0.001 0.999 0.000
W45 Foreign body or object entering through skin
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.59 Foreign body entering into or through eye or natural orifice; Trade and service area;During unspecified activity
0.001 0.999 0.000
W44.99 Foreign body entering into or through eye or natural orifice, Unspecified place , During unspecified activity
0.001 0.999 0.000
D17.9 Benign lipomatous neoplasm, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
L73.1 Pseudofolliculitis barbae
0.000 0.999 0.001
L73.0 Acne keloid
0.000 0.999 0.001
Q85.1 Tuberous sclerosis
0.001 0.999 0.000
S22.2 Fracture of sternum
0.001 0.999 0.000
W20.0 Home
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y55.1 Skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents]
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z94.1 Heart transplant status
0.001 0.999 0.000
M21.17 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Ankle and foot)
0.000 0.999 0.001
S06.81 Other intracranial injuries (with open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.999 0.000
L71.9 Rosacea, unspecified
0.000 0.999 0.001
N13.6 Pyonephrosis
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y46.8 Antispasticity drugs
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y46.7 Anti-Parkinsonism drugs
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y46.5 Valproic acid
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y46.3 Deoxybarbiturates
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y46.1 Oxazolidinediones
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y46.0 Succinimides
0.001 0.999 0.000
W20-W49 Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces
0.001 0.999 0.000
M65.97 Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified (Ankle and foot)
0.000 0.999 0.001
S06.51 Traumatic subdural haemorrhage (with open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S06.90 Intracranial injury, unspecified (without open intracranial wound)
0.001 0.999 0.000
F31.2 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms
0.001 0.999 0.000
G97.0 Cerebrospinal fluid leak from spinal puncture
0.000 0.999 0.001
J04.0 Acute laryngitis
0.000 0.999 0.001
K55.2 Angiodysplasia of colon
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.8 Other specified arthrosis
0.000 0.999 0.001
R22.7 Localised swelling, mass and lump, multiple sites
0.001 0.999 0.000
R82.6 Abnormal urine levels of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
0.001 0.999 0.000
R82.5 Elevated urine levels of drugs, medicaments and biological substances
0.001 0.999 0.000
R82.3 Haemoglobinuria
0.001 0.999 0.000
R82.2 Biliuria
0.001 0.999 0.000
R82.1 Myoglobinuria
0.001 0.999 0.000
R82.0 Chyluria
0.001 0.999 0.000
S05.4 Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body
0.001 0.999 0.000
S64.1 Injury of median nerve at wrist and hand level
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z94.6 Bone transplant status
0.001 0.999 0.000
K37 Unspecified appendicitis
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z94 Transplanted organ and tissue status
0.001 0.999 0.000
M19.27 Other secondary arthrosis (Ankle and foot)
0.000 0.999 0.001
G44.8 Other specified headache syndromes
0.000 0.999 0.001
K70.1 Alcoholic hepatitis
0.000 0.999 0.001
S20.3 Other superficial injuries of front wall of thorax
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y54.4 Loop [high-ceiling] diuretics
0.001 0.999 0.000
T18 Foreign body in alimentary tract
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y55 Agents primarily acting on smooth and skeletal muscles and the respiratory system
0.001 0.999 0.000
W75-W84 Other accidental threats to breathing
0.001 0.999 0.000
M19.17 Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints (Ankle and foot)
0.000 0.999 0.001
S36.10 Injury of liver or gallbladder (without open wound into cavity)
0.000 0.999 0.001
C24.0 Extrahepatic bile duct
0.001 0.999 0.000
I45.9 Conduction disorder, unspecified
0.000 0.999 0.001
L73.8 Other specified follicular disorders
0.000 0.999 0.001
M22.2 Patellofemoral disorders
0.000 0.999 0.001
S05.3 Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue
0.001 0.999 0.000
T18.9 Foreign body in alimentary tract, part unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
W17.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.7 Farm
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.999 0.000
W84.0 Home
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y52.2 Other antidysrhythmic drugs, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y54.7 Agents affecting calcification
0.001 0.999 0.000
R22 Localised swelling, mass and lump of skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y54 Agents primarily affecting water-balance and mineral and uric acid metabolism
0.001 0.999 0.000
S00-S09 Injuries to the head
0.001 0.999 0.000
M47.27 Other spondylosis with radiculopathy (Lumbosacral region)
0.000 0.999 0.001
B95.4 Other streptococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters
0.000 0.999 0.001
E13.9 Without complications
0.001 0.999 0.000
I45.0 Right fascicular block
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.2 Other secondary arthrosis
0.000 0.999 0.001
O23.0 Infections of kidney in pregnancy
0.001 0.999 0.000
T18.1 Foreign body in oesophagus
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.0 Home
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.7 Farm
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W27.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78.7 Farm
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78.0 Home
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y54.5 Other diuretics
0.001 0.999 0.000
V43 Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y40-Y59 Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
0.001 0.999 0.000
M19.96 Arthrosis, unspecified-Lower leg
0.000 0.999 0.001
M21.06 Valgus deformity, not elsewhere classified (Lower leg)
0.000 0.999 0.001
S22.21 Fracture of sternum (open)
0.001 0.999 0.000
D75.9 Disease of blood and blood-forming organs, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
T83.0 Mechanical complication of urinary (indwelling) catheter
0.001 0.999 0.000
W45.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
W45.0 Home
0.001 0.999 0.000
W45.7 Farm
0.001 0.999 0.000
W45.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.999 0.000
W45.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W45.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.999 0.000
W45.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y46.6 Other and unspecified antiepileptics
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y51.3 Other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.999 0.000
W28 Contact with powered lawn mower
0.001 0.999 0.000
W22 Striking against or struck by other objects
0.001 0.999 0.000
W20 Struck by thrown, projected or falling object
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y79 Orthopaedic devices associated with adverse incidents
0.001 0.999 0.000
M88.90 Paget's disease of bone, unspecified (Multiple sites)
0.000 0.999 0.001
I50.9 Heart failure, unspecified
0.000 0.999 0.001
K05.6 Periodontal disease, unspecified
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.1 Posttraumatic arthrosis of other joints
0.000 0.999 0.001
N90.6 Hypertrophy of vulva
0.001 0.999 0.000
O32.1 Maternal care for breech presentation
0.001 0.999 0.000
T18.5 Foreign body in anus and rectum
0.001 0.999 0.000
W07.0 Home
0.001 0.999 0.000
W78.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.999 0.000
D36 Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites
0.001 0.999 0.000
W46 Contact with hypodermic needle
0.001 0.999 0.000
W43 Exposure to vibration
0.001 0.999 0.000
W42 Exposure to noise
0.001 0.999 0.000
W41 Exposure to high-pressure jet
0.001 0.999 0.000
W40 Explosion of other materials
0.001 0.999 0.000
W39 Discharge of firework
0.001 0.999 0.000
W38 Explosion and rupture of other specified pressurised devices
0.001 0.999 0.000
W37 Explosion and rupture of pressurised tyre, pipe or hose
0.001 0.999 0.000
W36 Explosion and rupture of gas cylinder
0.001 0.999 0.000
W35 Explosion and rupture of boiler
0.001 0.999 0.000
W34 Discharge from other and unspecified firearms
0.001 0.999 0.000
W33 Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge
0.001 0.999 0.000
W32 Handgun discharge
0.001 0.999 0.000
W31 Contact with other and unspecified machinery
0.001 0.999 0.000
W30 Contact with agricultural machinery
0.001 0.999 0.000
W79 Inhalation and ingestion of food causing obstruction of respiratory tract
0.001 0.999 0.000
M19.89 Other specified arthrosis (Site unspecified)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.88 Other specified arthrosis (Other)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.87 Other specified arthrosis (Ankle and foot)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.86 Other specified arthrosis (Lower leg)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.85 Other specified arthrosis (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.84 Other specified arthrosis (Hand)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.83 Other specified arthrosis (Forearm)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.82 Other specified arthrosis (Upper arm)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.81 Other specified arthrosis (Shoulder region)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M19.80 Other specified arthrosis (Multiple sites)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M25.37 Other instability of joint (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
E83.4 Disorders of magnesium metabolism
0.000 0.999 0.001
I36.1 Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) insufficiency
0.001 0.999 0.000
I45.6 Preexcitation syndrome
0.000 0.999 0.001
I45.2 Bifascicular block
0.000 0.999 0.001
K27.9 Unspecified as acute or chronic, without haemorrhage or perforation
0.000 0.999 0.001
O24.4 Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy
0.000 0.999 0.001
S05.0 Injury of conjunctiva and corneal abrasion without mention of foreign body
0.001 0.999 0.000
S20.2 Contusion of thorax
0.001 0.999 0.000
X16.0 Home
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y55.7 Other and unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y55.6 Antiasthmatics, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y55.5 Anticommon cold drugs
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y55.4 Expectorants
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y55.3 Antitussives
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y55.2 Other and unspecified agents primarily acting on muscles
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y55.0 Oxytocic drugs
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y61.9 During unspecified surgical and medical care
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z94.9 Transplanted organ and tissue status, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z94.5 Skin transplant status
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z94.3 Heart and lungs transplant status
0.001 0.999 0.000
W23 Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects
0.001 0.999 0.000
X16 Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes
0.001 0.999 0.000
X10-X19 Contact with heat and hot substances
0.001 0.999 0.000
S72.10 Pertrochanteric fracture (closed)
0.001 0.999 0.000
N13.7 Vesicoureteral-reflux-associated uropathy
0.001 0.999 0.000
O32.5 Maternal care for multiple gestation with malpresentation of one foetus or more
0.000 0.999 0.001
T18.8 Foreign body in other and multiple parts of alimentary tract
0.001 0.999 0.000
T18.4 Foreign body in colon
0.001 0.999 0.000
T18.3 Foreign body in small intestine
0.001 0.999 0.000
W79.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y54.9 Mineral salts, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y54.6 Electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents
0.001 0.999 0.000
Y54.2 Carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors
0.001 0.999 0.000
G97 Postprocedural disorders of nervous system, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.999 0.001
O23 Infections of genito-urinary tract in pregnancy
0.001 0.999 0.000
S08 Traumatic amputation of part of head
0.001 0.999 0.000
S07 Crushing injury of head
0.001 0.999 0.000
S05 Injury of eye and orbit
0.001 0.999 0.000
S04 Injury of cranial nerves
0.001 0.999 0.000
W17 Other fall from one level to another
0.001 0.999 0.000

This table lists the top 500 terms ordered by p(effect).

The full results table can be downloaded from this page.